Kidnapped to Unknown Location in the US - Most Probably Connecticut

In 2009, I married Rachel Watson in the United Arab Emirates. Over the next two years, we had two beautiful children - Sabriya Al Namani and Adil Al Namani. The year after we had Adil, my wife and I made the painful decision to separate. For the sake of my wife’s reputation, I will not go into details. The agreement was that I would move to Oman for work, while she and the children would stay in Dubai, where we currently resided. Even though Rachel moved on and found someone else, we maintained a healthy, loving relationship. I remained close with my children, as did my family, and visits were frequent. I was able to spend many special occasions with them, including holidays. In November of 2018, six years after my wife and I separated, everything changed. I discovered notes that my children had been sending to my sister’s WhatsApp group. In these messages, they talked about how they were leaving for America soon. Their mother had already gotten a job in the States and the ...